Frequently Asked Questions

What does the word ‘yoga’ mean?

To unite or merge.

Is CrossYoga Hindu yoga?

No. We use the term 'yoga' as we understand it in the West i.e. as a form of exercise that is good for the body (strength and balance) and de-stressing. There are no Hindu or Buddhist gods involved in CrossYoga.

How is CrossYoga different from yoga in the gym, for example?

God is the difference. We do not find inner peace solely through body movements and mental de-stressing. Peace and love exist when we as humans find our way back to the one who created us - to God. In CrossYoga we seek, in all simplicity, the God of the Bible and his presence through Bible reading, movements, prayer, calm music and meditation.

Are yoga movements dangerous?

Our belief is that God created our body and that it is healthy to use it. Yoga movements in and of themselves are not much different than stretching, arm bends, balance training, etc. We do not believe that special movements or positions belong to, or are owned by, a religion. It’s the intention behind the movement that one needs to consider. For example, a treadmill can be a 'tool' that leads to an unhealthy attitude in relationship to the body, if one overuses the tool in an attempt to try and get too thin. A treadmill can also be a great tool for those who sit alot and whose body needs movement and heart rate training. Therefore yoga movements, in themselves, are not dangerous. In CrossYoga our intention an focus is on God through the movements.

Take a look at our Theological Principles right here if you want to know what CrossYoga stands for.

Is all yoga ok?

By far, most yoga claims not to be religious but ‘universalist’ or spiritual with no religious affiliation in one direction or another. However, there is yoga that has a clear Hindu, Buddhist, mystic or neo-religious approach. If you are a convinced Christian, it can be difficult to participate in these types of yoga practices because the premise is that you agree with the thinking and philosophy behind it. If you have any doubts, contact the instructor in advance to inquire more about the philosophy they teach from. We recommend everyone who goes to yoga at a yoga center to talk to the instructor about the purpose and motive for the style of yoga they teach. Feel free to contact us if you are in doubt!

Does a CrossYoga class have guided meditations?

The resting position is an integral part of yoga and in some sessions it will be filled with Bible verses, praise or silence. The instructor may choose to lead participants through a guided meditation at the end of the class, because while the participant is in the final resting posture they are fully attentive and yet relaxed at the same time like in a waking sleep. In this calm state, it can be very powerful to activate the imagination, abandon deeper mechanisms and get redemption for an unhealthy self-image, urge for control, negativity, doubt, etc. The guided meditations will always be grounded in the Word of God. Many of the meditations we use are known from the ancient church.

If I am not Christian or religious, is it still for me?

Yes. At CrossYoga it is important for us to be ourselves and share what we believe in our teachings. We trust that there is something positive for anyone who attends regardless of personal beliefs and we welcome each person to come simply as they are.

Who is CrossYoga for?

God is for everyone and yoga can benefit everyone too. There is no specific target group. You do not have to be in top physical shape to participate. You can expect to get sweat on your forehead in a power or flow class and possibly feel sore the next day if you are not normally physically active. If you have a chronic disorder, come anyway, let your instructor know at the beginning of class and see if yoga can alleviate it. The positions will have alternatives and the instructor is always available to show them and help you into the stretch that takes into account your particular body.

What are the benefits of practicing CrossYoga?

Your body is a temple to God and giving it the attention it needs is important for your physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health.  Through movement, meditation and breathwork you are strengthened and filled with the presence of God. Any areas you are out of alignment in become clear and you are able to find your center again. In CrossYoga we do not seek 'health' because it is blissful in itself, but because a healthy body makes us happier as human beings, and it gives us more surplus to share out of God's love.

Can you get physical injuries doing yoga?

Yes, as with all physical activity there is always a risk of injury. However, CrossYoga instructors are very attentive to guide you safely and securely through the positions. We always warm up the body before we do deeper stretches. We also encourage participants not to “power through” the movements but rather listen to their bodies and come out of any postures that may be causing any pain.

What is “The CrossYoga Network”, “CrossYoga” and “CrossYoga Academy”?

“The CrossYoga Network” is a not-for-profit network of trained instructors. We meet on and offline to support each other, pray together or just share life. “CrossYoga” and “CrossYoga Academy” is a business owned by Rie Frilund Skårhøj. “CrossYoga Academy” is where all trainings take place - both 100/200hr teacher trainings (YTT) and mini-trainings of different topics.